Annotation of Conceptual Co-reference and Text Mining the Qur’an
Abdul Baquee Muhammad Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy
The University of Leeds School of Computing
September, 2012
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.
This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.
Chapter 2 Sections 2.1 and 2.2 Muhammad, A. and Atwell, E. (2009) A Corpus-based computational model for knowledge representation of the Qur'an. 5th Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool. Muhammad, A. and Atwell, Eric, (2012) "QurAna: corpus of the Qur’an annotated with pronominal anaphora", LREC 2012 Atwell, ES; Brierley, C; Dukes, K; Sawalha, M; Muhammad, A (2011) An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Arabic and Islamic Content on the Internet in: Proceedings of NITS 3rd National Information Technology Symposium. 2011. Chapter 4 Section 4.3 Muhammad, A. and Atwell, E. (2009) A Corpus-based computational model for knowledge representation of the Qur'an. 5th Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool. Chapter 5 Muhammad, A. and Atwell, Eric, (2012) "QurAna: corpus of the Qur’an annotated with pronominal anaphora", LREC 2012 Chapter 6 Muhammad, A. and Atwell, Eric. (2012) "QurSim: A corpus for evaluation of relatedness in short texts", LREC 2012 Chapter 8 1 My surname was officially changed at the University records from ‘Sharaf’ to ‘Muhammad’ to resolve earlier confusion between surname and father’s name in my passport. Although, in this section I have used the corrected surname, readers may note that my earlier surname i.e.,‘Sharaf’ was used in most of the already published papers. - iv - Muhammad, A and Atwell, Eric (2011) القرآنیة للسور اآللی التصنیف" Automatic categorization of the Qur’anic chapters". 7th International Computing Conference in Arabic (ICCA11).31th May - 2nd June 2011, Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Chapter 9 Muhammad, A. and Atwell, E. (2009) A Corpus-based computational model for knowledge representation of the Qur'an. 5th Corpus Linguistics Conference, Liverpool.
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