188 صفحه pdf
ویرایش 2017
Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
NFPA 25:2017-Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
188 صفحه pdf
ویرایش 2017
Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems
فرمت فایل: pdf
API 598:2009-Valve Inspection and Testing
488 صفحه pdf
Handbook of Mechanical Works Inspection, A Guide to Effective Practice
Clifford Matthews
Professional Engineering Publishing Limited
London and Bury St Edmunds, UK
Chapter 1 How to use this book 1
Introduction 1
Fitness for purpose (FFP) 3
Basic technical information 3
Standards 4
Test procedures and techniques 5
Non-conformances (and corrective actions) 7
Reporting 7
Key point summaries 8
Chapter 2 Objectives and tactics 9
The inspection business 9
Fitness for purpose (FFP) 10
Strategy 12
Develop a tactical approach 14
The end game 20
Reprise: saying 'no' 23
Key point summary 25
Chapter 3 Specifications, standards, and plans 27
The chain of responsibility 30
The document hierarchy 33
Specified tests 35
Using standards 38
Inspection and test plans (ITP) 40
Equipment release 43
The formula solution 45
Key point summary 48
Chapter 4 Materials of construction 49
Fitness-for-purpose (FFP) criteria 50
Basic technical information 51
Specifications and standards 57
Inspection and test plans 61
Test procedures and techniques 67
Key point summary 79
References 80
Chapter 5 Welding and NDT 83
Introduction: viewpoints 83
Fitness-for-purpose (FFP) criteria 84
Basic technical information 85
Specifications and standards 96
Inspection and test plans 101
Test procedures and techniques 102
Volumetric NDT 113
Ultrasonic examination 115
Radiography 128
Destructive testing of welds 137
Key point summary 147
References 148
Chapter 6 Boilers and pressure vessels 149
Introduction 149
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 150
'Statutory' certification 151
Working to pressure vessel codes 156
Applications of pressure vessel codes 161
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 176
Pressure testing 181
Visual and dimensional examination 188
Vessel markings 192
Non-conformances and corrective actions 195
Key point summary 203
References 204
Chapter 7 Gas turbines 205
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 205
Basic technical information 206
Specifications and standards 207
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 209
Key point summary 235
References 236
Chapter 8 Steam turbines 237
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 237
Basic technical information 238
Specifications and standards 241
Inspection and test plans 243
Test procedures and techniques 244
Key point summary 256
References 257
Chapter 9 Diesel engines 259
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 259
Basic technical information 260
Specifications and standards 263
Inspection and test plans 265
Test procedures and techniques 265
Key point summary 283
References 284
Chapter 10 Power transmission 285
Gearboxes 285
Fitness for purpose criteria 285
Basic technical information 286
Specifications and standards 287
Inspection and test plans 289
Test procedures and techniques 289
Couplings 302
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 302
Specifications and standards 303
Test procedures and techniques 303
Key point summary 308
References 309
Chapter 11 Fluid systems 311
Centrifugal pumps 311
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 311
Basic technical information 312
Specification and standards 314
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 316
Test procedures and techniques 316
Compressors 327
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 327
Basic technical information 327
Specifications and standards 329
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 330
Test procedures and techniques 331
Draught plant: dampers 337
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 337
Basic technical information 338
Specifications and standards 339
Test procedures and techniques 339
Piping and valves 347
Piping 347
Valves 350
Heat exchangers and condensers 350
Standards 351
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 352
Test procedures 352
Key point summary 356
References 357
Chapter 12 Cranes 359
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 359
Basic technical information 361
Specifications and standards 367
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 368
Test procedure and techniques 370
Key point summary 385
References 386
Chapter 13 Linings 387
Rubber linings 387
Fitness-for-purpose criteria (FFP) 387
Basic technical information 388
Specifications and standards 389
Inspection and test plans (ITPs) 392
Test procedure and techniques 393
Metallic linings 400
Fitness-for-purpose criteria 400
Procedures and techniques 400
Key point summary 413
References 414
Chapter 14 Painting 415
Fitness-for-purpose (FFP) criteria 415
Basic technical information 416
Specifications and standards 422
Test procedures and techniques 425
Key point summary 431
References 432
Chapter 15 Inspection reports 433
Your report is your product 433
Technical presentation 436
Style 441
The report itself 442
Some logistical points 447
A specimen report 450
Specimen report: non-conformance report 455
Specimen report: pump stripdown report 456
Key point summary 457
Appendix 459
Index 461
BS 7121-2:2003- Code of practice for safe use of cranes
Part 2: Inspection, testing and examination