Download Goodnews v5.8.3 – Responsive WordPressNews/Magazine
More Features
- Fully Responsive design – with custom responsive navigation menu support icons, every single element is adapt
- Page Builder – Very powerful and easy to use allow you to create a very complex layouts in seconds also it has a front-end builder Powered by Visual Composer & Organized UI
- Retina ready – all images and icons is HD with very nice fallback for non retina devices
- One Click Demo – import our full demo into your website with, single click it take 2 minutes at most
- Review system – powerful and easy to use, unlimited criteria, sortable, with 3 different styles, you can use it with percent, points, stars
- Advertising System – use static image or Adsenes code, all standard ads sizes is available, single ad , ads grid, ads slider, use ads any where between blocks, in header, in sidebar
- Buddypress Fully integrated – with beautiful design
- bbPress Fully integrated – with beautiful design
- Awesome Mega Menu – very efficient Mega menu with various styles it can be simple dropdown, fullwidth mega menu , vertical categories menu, horizontal categories menu or fully customizable mega menu you can use shortcodes or custom html on it, also you can use icons, it has 1600+ icons with search engine to find icons easily
- RTL Fully Support – example in here
- Advanced Category options – tons of options to control in categories from theme options or control on each category from his own settings, disable/enable slider, change posts layout, custom sidebar for each category
- Advanced Post/page options -custom background color/image, custom layout ( one sidebar, both sidebars, full-width), hide/show elements, page comments, and more …
- Multiple layouts – Most of web pages layouts is available for the whole site or any page/post you can choose from right sidebar, left sidebar, bothe right sidbars, both left sidebars, both sidebars one on right and one on left or full-width also you can use multiple layout in same page – example in here
- Ajax live search – search about anything quickly with live search on the navigation bar, also Goodnews has a very advanced search with on/off option
- Advanced news modules with ajax – a lot of beautiful news modules with optional ajax show more button, the available modules is Newsbox with 5 styles, News list with 2 styles, News in pictures with 2 styles, News in tabs ” all the pre modules works inside news tabs
- Unlimited Sidebars – create any number of sidebars use them in pages, posts, author page or category
- Mailchimp integration – quick and easy with newsletter widget
- custom Widgets – with tons of customization options
- Social counter – 12 social network
- Weather – search for cities with ajax
- Newsletter – Mailchimp and feedburner
- Reviews – order by top, recent, random
- tabbed widget – very handy and easy to use you can insert any other widget on it
- video – support youtube, vimeo, dailymotion
- Much More…..
Goodnews v5.8.3 Changelog
Version 5.8.3 (25 March 2016)
– Fix top menu in mobile
– Fix half cut ads
– Update visual composer to latest version 4.11.1
– Update revolution slider to latest version
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