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کتاب بی نظیر همراه با مثالهای عددی فراوان و عکسهای متنوع
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Pressure Vessel and Stacks Field Repair Manual:2008
Keith Escoe
سرفصلهای این کتاب:
فصل اول: Systems of Units
فصل دوم: Handy Pressure Vessel Formulas
فصل سوم: Dynamic Response of Pressure Vessels and Stacks
فصل چهارم: Wind Loadings on Pressure Vessels and Stacks
فصل پنجم: Pressure Vessel Internal Assessment
فصل ششم: Safety Considerations for Lifting and Rigging
فصل هفتم: Lifting and Tailing Devices
فصل هشتم: Assessing Weld Attachments
فصل نهم: Rigging Devices
Pressure Vessel and Stacks Field Repair Manual:2008-Keith Escoe